Fundraising for the medical rehabilitation after performing the bone marrow
140.000 €
Uniklinik in Munster, Germany
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Egor Rytov, 8 years old, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russia
The letter of Egor’s mother Olga Rytova:
The grief came to our house in October of 2012. Egor, who was active
and cheerful before, became weak. He started complaining of backache. While walking, he began pulling his leg under him. The blood test horrified us. The diagnosis was Acute Lymphoblastic
The 14th of January of 2015 the supporting therapy was finished and
Egor had the opportunity to live another life when it became possible to take off the mask, start eating ice-cream and chocolate, that were prohibited before, make friends and go to school. It
was a new, absolutely unusual and so rich on events life! Unfortunately, it didn’t last long.
The cancer cells were detected again in the blood test in December,
2015. He underwent the bone marrow transplantation. But now it’s
necessary to perform an expensive rehabilitation course.
I’m bringing up three kids alone (Egor has got two little sisters) and the
amount of money we need for saving my son is large! We can’t make it without your help!
I beg you to help us in fundraising funds for Egor’s treatment.
If you would like to help little Egor, contact us by email at the following adress:
Vorsitzende: Alesya Kravchenko
Dennacherstr. 23
75334 Straubenhardt
Tel. 07082 940771
Fax 07082 940772
IBAN: DE33666500850008911770
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